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The following actions are part of the Positive Carbon Program and are based on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Global Compact Principles, and prioritization according to MSCI ESG:


SDG 6.3: Protection of water quality through compliance with legal standards, wastewater treatment, and the use of biodegradable products.


SDG 6.4: Sustainable water and water resource management through organizational practices that reduce consumption, utilize innovative technologies, and promote reuse. We recommend the following Technologies and actions for water conservation.


SDG 6.6: Support for a strategy to improve local watershed conditions Water Resources - Guanacaste Conservation Area.


SDG 7.2: Adoption of vehicles that use renewable energy, based on hydrogen fuel cell technology, supporting the technological development of Ad Astra Rocket and as a founding member of the Hydrogen Alliance.


SDG 7.3: Implementation of energy-efficient consumption strategies through technological and organizational innovations. We encourage you to follow the following Recommendations for energy reduction.


SDG 12.5: Comprehensive waste management based on the principles of Waste Hierarchy and Circular Economy. Follow these Tips for proper waste management and raise awareness about Sustainable consumption and production.


SDG 13: Support for national climate action commitments through the Carbon Neutrality Country Program. Also, offsetting greenhouse gas emissions from the entire vehicle fleet through carbon credits: UCC FONAFIFO for Environmental Services Payments in the Guanacaste Project. We encourage you to calculate your carbon footprint for your travels and offset it through the Climate Conscious Travelers initiative by CANAECO. We urge you to Raise awareness for climate actions.


SDG 13.1: Implementation of a Roadmap for Adaptation – NDC Action Project, leading to anticipation and resilience building.


SDG 13.3: Procurement of innovative technological solutions in transportation operations as a targeted action to mitigate GHG emissions and transition in the long term according to Science Based Targets. We are also in the process of becoming a committed signatory to The Glasgow Declaration, led by UWTO and One Planet, through the Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency initiative.


SDG 14.1: Prevention and reduction of ocean pollution, especially from microplastics and single-use plastics, through Circular Economy principles. We are also in the process of becoming a committed signatory to the initiative led by UWTO and One Planet to Global Tourism Plastics Initiative. We encourage you to adopt New habits to limit your plastic footprint.


SDG 14.4: Support for awareness initiatives to influence business models that do not fundamentally alter pressures on ocean ecosystems by Responsible consumption - MarViva. We encourage you to use the Traffic Light Guide for responsible fish consumption.


SDG 15.1, 15.2: Support for the Restoration of native forests in grasslands and degraded lands in the Guanacaste Conservation Area. Also, support for preventive and adaptive program Fire Management Program - Guanacaste Conservation Area, for the protection of natural resources that may be affected by anthropogenic factors and related to climate change. We encourage you to be a Responsible tourist when visiting Protected Wild Areas and Stop Animals Selfies.


SDG 15.5, 15.7: Support for Campaign My Habitat is my home - Guanacaste Conservation Area against the illegal trafficking of wildlife. We urge you to Report illegal wildlife trafficking. Likewise, support for Feline Friendly Roads Project - Panthera, its main objective has been to reduce the impact of roads on wild cats. We encourage you to stay informed about The global conservation status of wildlife species.


We encourage you to support these initiatives and programs.

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